Story for Editors

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Story is king! But how do you learn it?

The answer I usually give people is, "Read screenwriting books."

The problem is, they are filled with jargon aimed at writers, not editors. And the great ones add up to 30+ hours of reading.

That's why I'm created this webinar.

Learn story structure for editors in 45 minutes—and how to apply it to your editing.

Even when you do know the basics, we're not screenwriters!

How does this apply to editors?

Once you know the beats of a story, you can:

  • Maximize the impact of story beats through shot selection
  • Identify if the emotion is hitting the way it needs to
  • Fix weak emotion by looking at what comes before the beat
  • Speak the same language as the director
  • Become a valuable partner in the creative process

Skip hours of reading. Save 100s of dollars. Tell better stories.

About Me

I'm Jesse Koepke, a documentary and commercial editor since 2008. I'm also a working screenwriter and novelist, with a B.A. in Creative Writing. This webinar condenses everything I've learned in 20 years of studying story structure and how I’ve used it to cut award-winning documentaries such as The House That Rob Built and Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution (available on Netflix).

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You'll get:

An overview of 3-act structure
6 key elements that are in every story
Specific ways to apply it to your editing, both scripted and non-scripted
Lifetime access to the webinar replay
Webinar Reference Notes PDF
Story Structure Cheat Sheet PDF
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Story for Editors

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